Thursday, February 16, 2012

From the Mouth of Mikhail....Mikhail's Lingo...

Mikhail has started to talk and boy does he come up with funny pronunciations of words, made a lists of the words he uses most often:

1. Instead of mama, he sometimes shouts out Amma, which I find quite surprising since there is no Malayali effect ( no offense to any of my Mallu friends). None of our ancestors were from Kerala, so really wonder how I'm called Amma!

2. For shoes he says 'tooose'

3. For urinating he says ' tutu' , he sounds like a train when he says that.

4. For excreting he says 'Pooh', emphasis on the letter 'h'.

5. For taxi he says 'tack chi'

6. He calls plants 'Paapi' which I find funny since there's absolutely no connection.

7. For T.V he says 'tee'

8. For IPad he says 'I pa'

9. For fish he says 'phish'

10. For rice, it's 'raice'

11. For ball it's bawl

12. Peace is peach

13. Happy is Apppy

14. He calls milk, dooodooo thanks to my father for teaching him Gujarati.

15. Knees are neeeese.

16. Toes are tose

17. For take that he says atta, so his lingo consists of some Marathi words too.

18. For diaper he says Pampar

19. For baby he says , bee bee

20. Lastly for tickle he says tuckatuck :)

There are many more words he says, but these are the ones he uses the most.
It's great fun listening to him with all the expressions and the sounds. Imagine when he actually starts talking...woe is me!!!!

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