Saturday, February 25, 2012

Spectacles and Lens Woes...

Started wearing spectacles when I was eight,
Thanks to my stupidity of reading books under a quilt,with a torch till very late,
As dad always wanted me to go to bed by ten,
But I wanted to finish my book and was stubborn and naughty even then.
And that's the reason for Bespectacled me,
I was the cause of my own anxiety!

I was teased and called funny names,
Like "chashmiss", "double battery single power",
Besides teasing me about my height and calling me " Worli TV tower"!

And how I hated wearing my spectacles so,
I stopped wearing them and that's how my number soared.
And I would squint at school to strain and see what was written on the blackboard,
As I couldn't see much, I looked like a Chinese toad.

Slowly the number of my eyes started to rise,
And by the age of 13, semi-soft lenses by the optician to wear,I was advised.
Now that was much better than wearing funny spectacles,
But putting them on needed a Jesus' Miracle.
I used semi-soft lenses for nearly fourteen years,
But a gush of wind or slight dust would make me weep a hundred tears.
And that's when I decided no more semi-soft for me,
I decided to move to soft lenses, specially made lenses which suited my eyes perfectly.

Now the lens woes continue,
I sometimes forget to buy my lens solutions called "Re nu"
And sometimes I forget my old lenses to dispose,
And use them for more than a month than I am supposed.
So from spectacles to semi-soft lenses to soft lenses to suit my Iris you see,
God knows what next for my eyes, what's the latest technology!!

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