Saturday, February 18, 2012

Mikhail..The Cleanliness Freak!!

Mikhail is such a cleanliness freak,
He wants everything to be clean and neat!
I know we all want that too,
But this lil' guy wants everything neater and cleaner than me or you!

He will not eat chips or biscuits or chocolates on his own
If he dirties his fingers he let's out a funny groan!!
He holds out his hand or gives it a glaring stare,
Or gives me a look saying "please clean it" in despair.

If by chance he has dropped a tiny crumb at home or on the street,
He takes a tissue to clean it, to ensure it's clean and neat.
And if a little water on the floor he has dropped,
He leads me to the bathroom, to ensure that it'll be mopped.

Jam and toast instead of using his hands, he wants to eat with a fork,
"It's  fun to eat with your hands" I tell him" you can't always be a cleanliness Dork!"
I sometimes wonder from where Mikhail got this eccentric quality,
I know I am a cleanliness freak to a certain degree,
But this guy takes the cake in being a Cleanliness Freak, 
he's turning out to be worse than me!!

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