Friday, December 16, 2011

Are Marriages no longer made in paradise?

"Talaq, talaq, talaq, just send an SMS and you'll be free",says the Imam of UP.
Read this is in the newspaper yesterday and found it extremely shocking and funny.

India has progressed at break neck speed,
But so have the divorce rates of late increased,
Unfortunately Marriage is losing its sanctity,
Where spouses separate for the silliest reasons,
Causing lot of bitterness and acrimony.

Marriages, I thought were made in paradise,
Has understanding and adjustment suddenly vapourised?
Where couples fight over the slightest things,
As trivial as a newspaper, a bed side or even wearing of the wedding ring.

Have tolerance levels really decreased!
Where a husband leaves his wife if loudly she sneezed,
Or a wife can't bear to hear her husband's snores anymore,
She packs her bags and walks out of the door.

Have women become so self centered,
Where they have no time for their husbands only their career.
I don't think that at all is true,
I know many women out there who manage careers, children and are great wives too.

Is there no time at all for love and romance,
Are people out there too tired to give their marriage a second chance?
Or is it "Ghar Ki murghi dal barabar?,
Where you rather spend time with the spouse of your neighbour.

I'm sure for many marriage must have been tortuous like "Ram Gopal Varma Ki aag"the worst Hindi movie,
Where they had to leave due to dowry and other pressures from society.

I'm not a marriage expert, here to judge or a marriage guru,
I'm just writing to vent out my opinion and views.
For me Marriage is loving the person everyday I see,
Accepting each other with our imperfections happily.
To love and honour, in sickness and in health,
being married to my spouse indeed is the biggest wealth.

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