Tuesday, December 20, 2011

The big D - DESSERTS

Inviting, desirable, delightful..
That's what they are,
The most tempestuous you've seen so far..

It comes as a last course of a meal,usually something sweet,
Save the best for last I say, it is the best to eat.

Like me, it has a French name..
Which means 'clear the table' or 'to serve',
A reward after a meal, well deserved.

They are found all around the world, ohhhh what variety,
Gelatos, cakes, biscuits, ice-creams,pies, puddings,candies, including jams and honey.

They originated long ago in the middle ages,
Where royalty would eat ice flavoured with honey or a fruit syrup,
as sugar was too expensive.

I'm sure by now you know what I'm referring too ,
It's STRESSED spelt backwards,
if you feel low, they are the best for you.

DESSERTS indeed are the best no doubt,
But remember in case of weight loss or diabetes, please reduce your intake,
as they are too delectable to do without.

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