Sunday, December 18, 2011

Broken Heart

Been hearing too many songs on heart break especially by Adele..

Wrote 2 poems on heartbreak too...dabbling with seriousness for me is new.

Broken Heart - 1
Memories, memories.....
why do I have memories of you,
Its been so long but I can't stop loving you too.
I still remember the good times we had together,
Conversations, meetings and your infectious laughter.
On just seeing you, I would feel so great,
But being together with you was not part of my fate.
I spoilt it all by fighting with you one day,
I broke your heart and made you walk away.

I know I can't undo what I have done,
I know a new life you have begun.
You're now married with children of your own,
You're love for someone else has grown.
All I want is to wish you all my love and the best in all your endeavours,
But in our next life, promise me, you and I will be together forever and ever.

Broken heart 2

Why do I have these feelings of unrest?
Why do I still think of you, when you are so faraway,
Why do your memories keep haunting me afternoon, night and day.
In my dreams, why do you visit me suddenly. And awaken me from my sleep.
Why do I still love you, why is my love for you so unconditional so deep?
I want peace of mind, memories of you no more,
You moved on with your life and left me eons ago.
I have moved on with my life too,
Why oh why do I continue to love you?

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