Friday, December 2, 2011

Maniacal madness of Matchmaking

I'm sure many of us have gone through or are going through the 'Matchmaking' process,
Where we meet matchmakers on relatives request who put us through this marital quest.

They take our bio-datas and promise and assure,
"Very soon Mr. Right will come knocking at your door".

And when Mr. Prospective on our door does knock,
we have to deck ourselves like Christmas trees with high heeled tick tocks.
We have to flash our white pearlies and politely say "hello",
Even though the high heels are killing us whilst we trip on our sari' Palo'.
And then the "quiz time" finally begins,
Where the questions they ask are too funny to mention,
Like "what marks did you score in history in SSC?" or "will you grow your hair long after you marry me?"

Well this is just a bit of what I went through over 5 years ago,
The number of prospective bachelors I met were thankfully just 24.
How can I forget the very first, Mr Shyguy,
Who was so introvertishly shy,
his father had to nudge him hard,
to whisper a simple "HI!".

Then there was Mr. Body-builder,
who thought he was the Indian Arnold Schwarzenegger.
He was so obsessed with his body and protein shakes,
And insisted on eating everything baked.

Followed by Mr. Shipee-Engineer,
Who needed a maid, more than a wife throughout the year.
Someone to cook and clean and mend his socks,
And dress up with an apron over frilly frocks.

These are just to name a few from my matchmaking roller coaster ride,
Sometimes it does leave you sad and lil' depressed inside,
Also a feeling of frustration when you don't meet Mr. Right,
You know he is out there somewhere,
But still nowhere in sight.

So matchmakers and nosy relatives please try and understand,
as marriage like death can't always be pre determined and planned.

Marriage is after all chemistry and a joining of two hearts,
"to love and live with each other, till death do us apart".

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