Thursday, December 22, 2011

Happiness - what is it??

"Happy" that's a word I hear my toddler say a lot,
He is happy most of the time with us playing with him, with his food or even with the toys he's got.
I then realise in this world there are many long faces,
What has happened to something called "Happiness"!

Happiness-what exactly is it?
"Happiness is a mental state of well-being characterised by positive emotions ranging from contentment to intense joy."
That's the definition from Wikipedia, oh boy.

Is it only a state of mind or what you feel in your heart deep inside?

Happiness is found in many different forms,
You may get it from shopping or maybe a profit from your stocks and bonds.
It could be felt on your wedding day or on the birth of your child,
Or could be when you meet your family after awhile.

It could be a praise from your spouse,
for cooking, cleaning and caring for his house.
It could be catching up over coffee with a long lost friend
and chatting for hours and hours on end.
It could be receiving a call from a friend faraway,
Just to wish you a quick happy birthday.
Happiness could be found in the face of a child,
sleeping soundly with his mouth curled up into a smile.
It could be listening to music, maybe your favourite song,
Or watching a movie in the theatre with your child tagging along.

Happiness is not always perfection,
It could be seeing the positive in imperfection or a problematic situation.
It could be waiting impatiently for your spouse when he's late from work,
Then getting a kiss and a big bear hug as an added perk.
It could be going shopping with a friend and three kids in tow,
And suddenly you realise, the escalator and elevator work no more,
And both of us pushing our strollers down the stairs,
With kids and shopping bags, it made us laugh who cares.

Or walking the slopes of Bandstand waiting for hours with a friend to see her crush,
And when he does drive by, she says a nervous "hello" and walks away with a happy blush.

Happiness is also seeing others happy too,
I'm not preaching here or being a Miss Goody-two-shoes,
its a great feeling I can't explain,
That's Happiness for you too, without any gain.

So friends, family and people from all countries..wish you loads of happiness always,
May your lives be filled with more smiles and laughter and happy filled days.

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