Saturday, December 24, 2011

My Christmas Wish

T'is a day before Christmas, everybody is wishing friends and family on Facebook and Twitter,
But is Christmas just trees and gifts and greeting cards,
That we decorate our houses with and send each other.

Christmas is a festival of peace and love,
To celebrate the birth of the Lord Jesus Christ,
Sent by the Almighty from the heavens above.
To spread his message and preach what is right.

Christmas is a festival to forgive and forget,
All your enemies, tensions and worries,
To spread happiness and cheer around,
with friends, loved ones, neighbours and family.

Christmas, a season to share,
With the less fortunate and lonely,
not only materialistic pleasures but time ,
as time is a gift which can't be bought with any amount of money.

Christmas is a celebration of feasting and counting your blessings.
Of creating new memories,
Filled with happiness and joys everlasting,

So here's my Christmas wish to each and everyone of you,
May Baby Jesus' blanket swaddle you with peace, love, joy and laughter,
And may the three wise men show you the path of sharing, caring and happiness for ever and ever after.

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