Thursday, December 8, 2011

What goes on in a woman's mind?

"What goes on in a woman's mind?" is a question which many men silently ask,
They feel trying to understand the fairer sex,
is indeed the toughest task.
So let me, a woman, give you a few lessons and pointers,
It may surely help you understand and relate to us better. :)

When a woman speaks, you need to listen,
Please pay attention and don't act so distant.
I know we women do speak a lot,
But we are made that way,
Just give it a thought.

"What are you thinking?", when she asks you such a simple question,
"Nothing" is not the answer you should even dare mention,
If over 100 thoughts in a minute can go on in her mind,
I'm sure 'Thinking' is not unique to your mankind.
She may think in colour and you in black and white,
But by saying 'Nothing' shows how pea brained you are or just plain impolite.

Remember, a woman cries at times for no rhyme or reason,
She doesn't need to be happy or sad,
And she doesn't need any particular season.
Sometimes it may be PMS or just great to cry and bawl away,
But you guys think your too macho and worried you'll be called 'Gay'.

When a woman states emphatically "I'm tired",
Understand she's not ready for you know-what,
Remember she's human too,
Not a pink metallic robot.

A Woman loves to shop, she can shop till she drops,
But if you see too many shopping bags,
Please don't question her non-stop.
While shopping for herself, be grateful she has bought a shirt for you too,
Even though she herself has bought
6 tops, 3 bags and a pair of Jimmy Choo.

Also if she keeps staring at the diamond ring in the shop window,
Don't hurriedly walk away and her ignore,
She may not force you to buy it for her just now,
But in time, she'll get you to buy it for her somehow.

Oh yes, men please beware of a woman's mood swings,
One minute she's happy next minute sad,
It's not her, it's those 'Hormones', but for you it may be weird and frustrating.

But last of all what a woman really wants,is love and security,
Maybe from her husband, friends, lover or family.

Men, I hope I've been able to help you 'decipher' a woman's mind,
She may be from Venus and you Mars,
But please do try to treat her with respect, be patient and kind.

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