Thursday, December 15, 2011

Is Shopping a sin?

Dear God,

Is shopping a sin?
I do not think so when I think of the happiness it creates deep within.

I love shopping, I really do,
And I don't need a reason or season to shop too.
I can shop and shop till I'm tired and I drop,
You can say it's a hobby which I can pursue non stop.

I may enter Bossini to buy a simple tee,
But end up buying two shirts, two pullovers as there's a sale you see,
So why not stock up for later and some money save,
But if there's a sale in future, God you need to help me to resist and behave.

In the case of shoes, its so difficult to just buy a pair,
Why did you make man create shoes of different types needed everywhere,
Skechers for jogging and jumping,
and Reebok and Nike for walking,
Pumps from Nine West and stilettos in blue,
It's not a sin to have wants you know,
God, I'm sure you may have some wants too.

I wonder why is there an Ikea and Homecenter,
I can't control the urge to enter.
I go crazy just seeing their bed linen, duvets and rocking chairs,
Their lamps, crockery and exquisite silverware.
And they have great offers during Winter and fall,
So why not shop there since it's cheaper than 'Pottery barn' at the Dubai Mall.

When I go to the grocery for just a dozen bananas,
Why do you make me buy yoghurt, oranges, grapes and the Egyptian guavas.

And shop for things I don't need,
Its not me but the devil working overtime indeed.

Sometimes I wonder who invented credit cards,
You spend thinking you have unlimited credit,
And when you see the bill you're caught off guard.

But in this case don't blame me,
Blame those banks, in order to increase their customer base, give it freely without any annual fee.

God, it is not my fault if you've put me in a land of plenty,
Where all the stores and shopping malls like the devil in disguise,
Are out there to lure and tempt me.

In fact, dear Lord, I'm doing a good deed,
By spending money, I'm creating demand by servicing my shopping needs,
I'm actually solving the economies problems of recession and inflation.
So I really don't think shopping is such a great sin.

Yours faithfully,

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