Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Mirror, Mirror on the wall

Mirror, mirror, on the wall,
I know I'm fair and I know I'm tall,
But have I gained an inch today,
Or am I leaner and slimmer than yesterday.

Mirror, mirror don't stare at me,
I know that's grey hair on my head looking down at me,
I never thought before 40, I'd grey,
But a little salt and pepper won't harm me anyway.

Mirror, mirror, what colour are my eyes?
Chestnut brown or black like the night sky.
Please do hurry and show me so,
With my contact lenses on,it's really difficult to know.

Mirror, mirror, time has swiftly flown,
Into a full blown woman I have grown,
There was a time, you, I could hardly see,
I had to crawl up for you to see me.
But no matter where I travel and go,
We'll be together, me standing in front of you on the cold bedroom floor.

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