Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Happy birthday wish in advance Namzzzzz - Namratha Kumar

Who is Namratha Kumar?

To those who don't know her and to those who do,
She is one of my oldest gal pals, there's lots more about her I'd like to tell you...

Namratha in Hindi means 'Kindness',
and kind that undoubtedly she is,
An epitome of humility and extremely modest,
Hip and original and very well-dressed.

She is a budding writer and a die-hard Harry Potter fan,
She loves reading and enjoys her walks at Bandstand.

Oh, how can I forget she is a culinary great,
Loves cooking and experimenting with food,
And always comes with something new to put on a plate ;).

I know Namratha since grade four,
One of the most dependable people I know.
She knows how to put a smile on my face,
When I'm low and lost in my own world in a different place.
She is someone with whom I can laugh and be myself with,
Remarkably intelligent, full of humour and wit.

I can go on and on about her,
But my main aim is to wish her a wonderful year...
Its her birthday on 29th December,
Nams, wishing you a very Happy Birthday,
Filled with happy memories and moments you'll cherish and remember.

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