Thursday, December 29, 2011

My favourite exercise - Smiling

I do not like exercising, one bit.
but I love one exercise very much and that is SMILING....its enough to keep me healthy and fit.

It's something I really love to do,
In painful situations I smile too,
I'll never forget the day I gave birth to my son,
The 22 hour labour, the painful contractions had begun,
When my doctor asked me " How are you?",
I gave her my charming smile and replied politely " I'm fine, Thanks Doctor", what else could I do.
I know she felt better after seeing my smile,
As she was worried as I had been in labour for quite a while.

Smiling is a talent God has given you and me,
Its fun to smile most of the time, rather than being called 'Mr./Miss Grumpy'.

Smiling is a stress reliever also,
After a hard day at office,
Its great to see your loved one's smile when he/she opens the door.

There are two kinds of smiles, authentic and fake,
The fake smile is used in nervous or awkward situations and feels artificial like a cake half baked.
It's famously called the Pan-am or Botox smile,
Which is used to show politeness or even for style.

But an authentic smile is one straight from your heart deep inside
Filled with emotions which you cannot hide.

A smile is understood by every living being,
Despite your race, religion, culture..
Dogs smile too, even cats, snakes and vultures.

It's a common language the whole world speaks,
Wonder why it's not used when conducting discussions on world peace.

Smile, it's a good facial exercise,
You starts by flexing the muscles near both ends of the mouth
And then slowly moves up to the eyes.

So smile away everyone,
forget if you've got dog teeth, bug teeth, no teeth, 32, 24 or even one.

Remember, Smiling is the most contagious disease,
So let's spread it everywhere and put people at ease.

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