Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Corporate life to Housewife

Sometimes I wonder if I've made the right choice,
of being a stay-at-home mom, giving up my Corporate life,

From crisp starched kurtas, blazers and suits,
To living in jeans, Kurtis and T-shirts with hoods.

From shoes of different colours to different sizes of heels,
Now I live in my Reeboks, so comfortable I feel.

Earlier used to check CNBC for shares which FIIs have bought or sold,
but now watch Nursery Rhymes for hours with my lil' 20 month old.

There were days when I'd be glued for 16 hours on my laptop,
But now spend lesser hours in front of the gas or sink, washing and cooking non-stop.

I remember those days at work, where there was no time to eat or breathe,
But now have time to eat well, sleep,write and read.
At night, I would dream of work and even my 'frightful' boss,
But now I sleep soundly, with peaceful and happy thoughts.

Life is full of choices and I guess I've made mine,
Work was stressful and a lot of fun,
But now with my toddler,I get to spend more time .
Maybe one day in future, I will join the corporate world,
When the kids have become independent and into grown-ups have unfurled
Till then I'll continue being 'The Domestic Goddess' and watch 'Desperate Housewives' ;)
New interests, talents will pursue, and other hobbies try.

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