Thursday, December 1, 2011

Hair "T(H)assles"

I'm sure everyone has had a bad hair day,
But I have a bad hair day every single day.
Where my Hair stands out making me look like a white Golliwog,
Be it summer, winter, heat or fog.

I'm normally neat and very well-dressed,
But just a slight breeze and my hair is a mess.

I've tried all kinds of oils from Parachute to Shahnaz Hussain,
Eggs, curd and even olive oil plain.

I've experimented with rebonding or straightening and relaxo too,
But no hairstylist has been able to solve my "Hair raising issue".

I now understand what Einstein must have faced,
Like me, his hair was never in place.

However, Einstein was not worried about his hair,
He was only interested in E=(MC)square.

But I still wonder and worry,
why does Newton's law of gravity not apply to me?
If what goes up has to come down,
Then why isn't the law applicable to the hair on my crown.

I've never had other issues and hassles,
Guess life would be too perfect without these knotty and frizzy tassles.

But today I'm trying a new hair therapy,
Called Brazilian Keratin with vitamin E.

Its going on at the moment whilst I write this poetry,
Let's hope and pray it really works,
And makes my hair soft and silky.

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