Saturday, December 17, 2011


“Life is partly what we make it, and partly what it is made by the friends we choose.”
is Tennessee Williams point of view.

But for me Friends are like an extended family,
They form a very important part of our life's different journeys,

Best friends, pen friends, train friends, office friends, school friends, Blackberry friends,
Facebook friends...
the list goes on and on and on, to friendships there seems to be no end.

There are friends we make along the way
and suddenly you realise that,
that friendship is over one fine day.

There are some friends whom we hold very dear even if far apart,
and don't meet for over a year, but they still remain in our hearts.

Some friends stand by you in thick and thin and even when you fumble,
Forgive you for all your goof ups and sins.

Some are great conversationalists and can talk about anything under the sun,
Just being with them is entertainment and indeed a lot of fun.

Some friends are like agony aunts, critics and advisors too,
And when in a quandary, they are the best to turn to for advice,guide you and tell you what to do.
There are some friends who'll laugh and cry with you for no rhyme or reason,
But they'll stick to you like glue through any weather or season.

But for me a friend is someone who speaks well of me behind my back,
Who accepts me with all my follies and misgivings,
Who knows I'm a good egg,
Even though I'm slightly cracked.

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