Wednesday, December 28, 2011

How to break New year resolutions even before they are made??

New years come and old years go,
resolutions are made once again, to be broken some more.

But for 2012, I've seriously decided on a list of resolutions I've got to make..
Starting with eating healthy,less fried and junk and more salads and bakes.
Must add to my list-exercise and join a gym,
Got to fight the battle of the bulge
to get back to being slender and slim.

Got to get back to reading books,
not glanced at them or given them a second look,
Gathering dust and cobwebs on my bookshelf, Poor books,they are bored to death with the spiders all to themselves.

Also plan to learn something different and new,
Maybe the piano, violin, painting or baking,
But don't want to bite off more than I can chew,
So I think I'll choose something easy like cake- making.

But if I make cakes, then those cakes I'll be forced to eat,
as we've learnt as kids it's not good to waste you see.
There goes resolution of losing weight,
I guess a jelly belly is now a part of my destiny.

And if I do start to read from the shelf, my dusty books,
For beloved husband and son who will clean and cook!
As there's no one else but only me,
So making a resolution of reading books needs to be struck out, oh how silly..

And eating healthy how do I go about that?
Dieticians recommend in our diets certain amounts of fat,
Salads by themselves are not all that great,
Raw vegetables, my hunger will not satiate.
A balanced diet comprises of some oily food too,
A Lil' fried stuff and junk food, once in awhile can't be that harmful, ain't that true..

Forget exercise and joining a gym,
Who needs workouts and treadmills, when I have my son to keep me on my toes,
I'm sure I'll end up slim and trim..

So there goes my resolutions for 2012, all gone down the drain,
Not to worry, 2013 is just a year away,
I'll list them out then once again.

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